Monday, December 1, 2014

Crochet Sashet Heart

Crochet Sashet Heart

I made this Crochet Heart Sachet for Valentine's Day.

If you tell others about my work, please only link back to my blog, but don't copy my patterns to your site. Also you can sell anything you make from my patterns, but don't sell the free pattern. Thank you!

H, F, and D Hook
Red Heart Multi-Colored Yarn and Thread yarn
Yarn needle
 It Measures about 3 inches by 3 inches.

sl st=slip stitch
sc=single crochet
picot=chain 3, slip stitch in the 3rd stitch from the hook.

2sctog=2 single crochet together decrease

Start with an H hook and the Multi-colored yarn. Make Two Hearts

Row 1. Ch 2, work 2 sc in the 2nd from the hook. turn -2sc
Row 2. work 2sc in the first and next sc, turn -4 sc
Row 3. work 2sc in the first sc, sc in the next two sc, 2sc in the last sc, turn. -6sc
Row 4. work 2sc in the first sc, sc in the next four sc, 2sc in the last sc, turn. -8sc
Rows 5-6. sc in each sc across, turn -8sc Work this Row Twice
Rows 7. work 2sc, sc in the next six sc, 2sc in the last sc, turn -10sc
Rows 8-9. sc in each sc across, turn, -10sc Work this Row Twice
Once side of the heart
Row 10. Now this is one side of the Heart, sc in the next 5 sc, turn -5sc
Row 11. sc in the next 5 sc, turn -5sc
Row 12. 2sctog decrease, sc in the next sc, 2sctog decrease, turn -3sc
Rows 13-14. sc in each sc across, turn, Work this Row twice -3sc Fasten off Weave in the ends.
The Other side of the Heart
Row 15. Slip stitch with your yarn onto the other open side of the heart, sc in the next 5 sc, turn -5sc
Row 16. sc in the next 5 sc, turn -5sc
Row 17. 2sctog decrease, sc in the next sc, 2sctog decrease, turn -3sc
Rows 18-19. sc in each sc across, turn, Work this Row twice -3sc Fasten off Weave in the ends.
The Edge. Single Crochet around both Hearts. Attach the two Hearts together with the Thread yarn and D hook. With the Thread yarn, single crochet around to attach the hearts together.
Picot Stitch around, D Hook and Thread yarn, Continue Around with a Chain 3, slip stitch in the 3rd chain from the hook. Slip stitch in the same sc as the picot stitch. Slip stitch in the next sc, *Slip stitch in the next sc, Chain 3, Slip stitch in the 3rd chain from the hook, Slip stitch in the same sc as the picot stitch. *Repeat this around, You can stuff the heart with Yarn or perfumed items.
When you get to the top of the heart, you can create the hanger loop so you can hang it, chain 15, Slip Stitch the last chain from the hook, Slip Stitch in the same stitch as the chain, Continue on with Picot Stitch pattern above around, Fasten off, Weave in the ends.

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